Sunday, 9 June 2013

RANT (Lengthy one)

I think everyone is getting sick and tired of me, even I am getting sick and tired of myself.

I don't know what to do anymore, I am up for two weeks break from the hectic school but somehow, i would rather that there be school. Weird, don't ya think?

Yeah, I feel weird that as a teenager I would want to go to school.
I don't think any normal teenager would even feel that fucking way not even for 1 second.

We had a huge fight today at home, and I vowed to E that I would freaking kill myself tomorrow. But, then again, who would believe what I say since I have never done it. It's just all talk without any action. I know I don't have the courage and all, that is why nobody wants to believe me.

My parents were talking about how tired they were over my ED life, and all the time, they just hurled various hurting comments again and again. It is tiring hearing that from your "parents". They told me that it is all your ED talking and they just pointed fingers and fingers and start slapping me and start pulling me. They kicked me and threw/flunk the whole computer on my leg, I can swear my life on this. They didn't apologize.

But then again, I would rather they hit and beat me and all rather than scold me and put me down like someone that is so insignificant in their life. They can never understand how much I am struggling, really. IT'S EVERY FUCKING SECOND, MINUTE, HOUR OR MY LIFE. THE ED HAS NEVER LEFT MY MIND. BE IT R, B, P, SH, E AND ALL IT HAS NEVER FUCKING LEFT MY MIND AND I DOUBT IT WILL EVER LEAVE MY MIND.

Here is a interesting "conversation" with my sister.
S: You know what, just don't shout to your mother, seriously because she is your mother.
Me: Yeah, then what about you? Why can you shout at me when you are younger than me?
S: That is because you are wrong, you have been wrong for 3 years and we are sick and tired of your nonsense. It is an everyday battle to come home and be prepared to fend ourselves for your sudden tantrums or what not. All of us have a life and the only one who doesn't have a life, is you.
Me: Wow, thanks.
S: No, seriously. I  am saying the truth. Every moment of your life is so consumed by your ED sick thoughts like what to eat, what are others eating, what am I not allowed to eat, why must I be skinny, why am I so fat.

What she say is so true and so exact and so accurate but why do I continue doing it, despite me knowing the no-life-ness that I am leading. Someone, please advise me what am I supposed to do.
Should I give up in life or should I continue leading this losing battle?


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  2. I love you ok jolynn. Wihtout you I really don't know what to do. It hurts me so much to know what you are going through each day and Im sorry for not being to be there for you all the time. But please know that you matter to me a lot and I know what you are going through every single minute. Those thoughts go through mine as well. Please stay strong and we will live on together. Let death come to us when fate decides upon it. When this happens again, tell me word for word what happens. Don't hide it from me. I want to do whatever I can to console you and help you through it like you do to me. You aren't alone and you have me as I have you. I will be there for you through it all. I can only help you when I know the exact situation. Call me, cry to me, I will listen to you, to it all. I will NEVER abandon you. Recovery was never far from our reach, we just need to find the motivation to seek it. -E.

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    1. You can definitely talk to me. Sorry for the late reply, but I am also not underweight. In fact, I look kinda plump but I have always have thoughts of restricting and all.
      Please do look for me for support if you need. You can email to me or we can exchange numbers since we are living in the same small country.

    2. yeah sure thing thanks so much babe :) it would be nice to talk to someone who understands. do you have twitter or anything? oh by the way can you delete my comment above? cos i don't rly want anyone to know i have this ED thing but your blog doesn't allow me to appear anonymous you see... haha x

    3. Yeah sure thing. Can you mail me to this email "" so that we can exchange numbers or twitter username?

      Yeah sure thing, done!!!
